It was a strangely therapeutic and almost meditative experience and I often thought what it must be like for Johanna to illustrate like this on a daily basis! Once the artwork was complete, I’d make a scan and tidy up any messy edges, before finally tweaking the levels to improve the contrast in photoshop.

I also felt I could concentrate and remain calm away from a busy studio environment so I mainly drew these at home or outside in the garden with only Radio 4 and my inquisitive hen for company. During the inking stages, it was imperative to keep a steady hand and avoid caffeine, although any slip could always be corrected later digitally. After another round of approvals, I’d start inking up the drawing using Staedtler pigment liner pens in various thicknesses on a fresh piece of paper over a lightbox. « previous 1 2 next » sort by « previous 1 2 next » Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. Al ser un chico bastante sexy para ellas. Algo ajeno a lo de la mayora de sus compaeras, que igual le echaban el ojo. After the concept got approval, I would do a more refined drawing, filling in the outline with patterns and shapes in keeping to the books theme. shelved 151,339 times Showing 30 distinct works. La madriguera romntica (ORDEN DE LECTURA) SAGA FINDING LOVE (ALMAS GEMELAS) DE JOSS STIRLING Publicado el enpor parkbero 1- EN BUSCA DE SKY C uando Sky ve a Zed en el instituto, siente algo especial por el.The first stage involved sketching a basic shape in pencil ensuring the design fitted with the page furniture. Un e-book imperdible que reúne los tres libros de la saga Finding Love y una historia corta de Zed, protagonista del primer libro de la saga.Joss Stirling nos invita a viajar a distintos puntos de Inglaterra, Estados Unidos e Italia de la mano de los savants, unos seres con poderes sobrenaturales, que se enfrentan constantemente a grandes peligros.