Sam tells Emeline about his time on an alligator boat. Emeline asks Sam about the truth of Tom's stories. Tom shows Emeline the boiler on the "Alex Scott" before taking her to the pilot house where she draws. Passengers perform a play on the deck of the "Aleck Scott." Tom and Sam seek the company of Emeline. Bixby getting a stranded steamboat out of a dry river bed. Thornburg's "cub." They compare stories about the greatness of their pilots. Bixby will not need Sam's services until after the boat is well under way. Sam boards the "Aleck Scott" behind wealthy passengers. Bixby tells Sam that he is leaving the "Paul Jones" for the "Aleck Scott " he asks Sam to go with him. Sam listens to river stories while waiting for Bixby. Brown asks Sam to steer for him for 50 cents a week Sam refuses and Brown gets angry. Bixby is confident in Sam's ability to pilot the "Paul Jones." Sam reflects on how his perception of the river has changed. Bixby gets the boat back on track and explains wind and reefs to Sam. Sam takes the steamboat straight to the shore. Sam steers the "Paul Jones" down the Mississippi River he panics about a bluff reef. A committee throws the preacher overboard and Sam paints the mare another color. A Mutiny on the Paul Jones? (02:06)Ī gray mare and a preacher threaten the safety of the steamboat. Sam and George Ritchie meet three young boys who want to become pilots. The "Paul Jones" steamboat makes a brief landing. Bixby successfully pilots the steamboat through the reefs at Hat Island crossing in the dark. Bixby decides to pilot the steamboat through the crossing at night A Lightening Pilot (04:40) He learns about the dangers of Hat Island crossing. Bixby explains how to know the river including listening for a dog's bark. Bixby tells Sam that he has to learn the shape of the river because it never looks the same. River inspectors board the steamboat and question travel plans Mr. Sam reviews his notes on the Mississippi River.

The steamboat stops to take on a load of wood. The steamboat hits a barge on the Mississippi. Bixby gets angry at Sam's lack of attention. Bixby asks him the names of points on the river Sam cannot recall any of them. Sam struggles to get to the bridge on time. Crew members sing the depths of the river. Sam learns to navigate the river shoal with Mr. Sam is persistent and Bixby finally relents. Bixby if he can be his steersman Bixby does not want to teach him. Sam watches the people on shore and the crew of the boat. Sam finds his bunk and hurries to the captain as the boat pulls out. Sam races to the steamboat he just makes it on board. The Mississippi River touches the heart of Mark Twain and his compelling stories capture adventures on the river. Kurt Vonnegut briefly describes Mark Twain's employment history.

Capturing Steamboating Glory (02:16) FREE PREVIEW