
Searching for Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
Searching for Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

Searching for Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

Summary: Princess Cimorene is a princess of the very pleasant kingdom of Linderwall. There is nothing so complex, so complicated about this little book it just makes me happy. This book grew with me through my childhood, and it remains with me as an adult. You can be in charge of your own destiny. You do not need a Prince Charming to make your own Happily Ever After. There is a Prince Charming who, frankly, bores the living crap out of our intrepid young Princess Cimorene.

Searching for Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

You can be brave, headstrong, smart, without being stubborn, without being mean.

Searching for Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

You don't have to be what people want you to be. This is a wonderful book for a young girl, it sends so many positive messages.

Searching for Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

Share this book with your sisters, your daughters, your nieces. I am a grown-ass woman, and I still love this book as much as I did the first time I read it. "What difference does that make to a cat?"Before Harry Potter, there was Princess Cimorene, a dragon named Kazul, and the Enchanted Forest. "Well, you're a dragon," Cimorene answered, a little taken aback. "He doesn't seem very impressed," Cimorene commented in some amusement. She is a vegetarian, and currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her cat Karma. Her interests include sewing, embroidery, desultory attempts at gardening, chocolate, not mowing the lawn, High Tea, and, of course, reading. In 1985, shortly before the publication of her fifth book, she left the world of the gainfully employed to try winging it on her own. It came out at last in 1982, which is the year she met Lillian Stewart Carl (who introduced her to Lois McMaster Bujold by mail). In April of 1980, Patricia's first novel sold to Ace Books. In January, 1980, Pamela Dean, Emma Bull, Will Shetterly, Steven Brust, Nate Bucklin, and Patricia Wrede - all, at that point, hopeful but unpublished - formed the writer's group that later became known as "The Scribblies." Several years later, they were joined by Kara Dalkey. Patricia finished her first novel in late 1978. Dalton Booksellers, and finally at the Dayton Hudson Corporation headquarters. She worked for several years as a financial analyst and accountant, first with the Minnesota Hospital Association, then with B. from the University of Minnesota in 1977. She finished it five years later and started her second book at once, having become permanently hooked on writing by this time. She began work on her first novel, Shadow Magic, just after graduating from college in 1974. She attended Carleton College in Minnesota, where she majored in Biology and managed to avoid taking any English courses at all. Patricia Collins Wrede was born in Chicago, Illinois and is the eldest of five children.

Searching for Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede