Miranda could not resist giving her friend a little jab. "What I was going to say," Olivia continued, unknowingly confirming Miranda's hypothesis, "is that really, most of them are dreadful bores." Really, there was no use in forming a proper comeback, because when Olivia was telling a story. I tell you, I'm getting quite good at all this." Miranda had about two seconds to attempt to decipher that before Olivia added, "Brilliant of me, wasn't it, to be rid of all of them at once. "Well, yes," Olivia agreed, "except for the ones who are more like goats." There was a rush of assurances, followed by a flurry of movement, and Miranda could only stare in awe as she watched them scuttle off in a pack. "Would any of you gentlemen mind fetching some lemonade?" Olivia asked sweetly. Miranda would not have been surprised if they had dropped to the floor, one by one, like proverbial flies. She turned, smiling radiantly at them all. "Why ever not? Listen, Miranda, I must tell you- " She broke off suddenly, remembering the presence of her many admirers. "That cannot be so." Olivia looked down at her dance card. "I don't think you have any left to save." "Oh, has he arrived, then? I shall have to save a dance for him." "I needed a breath of fresh air, so I escaped to a corner and had a glass of lemonade. Haven't I?" Olivia poked a gentleman in the side, and he immediately nodded. "You have not," Miranda said, raising her brows disbelievingly. "Where have you been? I've been telling everyone about you." The dance was over with merciful speed, and Miranda quickly made her way over to Olivia. Judging from the crowd around her friend, Mr. Miranda answered his questions as politely as she was able, trying not to encourage him overmuch. She was not surprised when, after commenting on her gown and the weather, he asked after Olivia. Miranda bobbed a dutiful curtsy at her dance partner and then took his gloved hand and followed him onto the dance floor for a quadrille. And then he left her standing in the corner, murmuring his greetings to Mr.